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Come and join us in Rindge NH on the shores of Lake Contoocook in the heart of the Monadnock Mountain Region. Stay in the Main Inn in newly renovated and handsomely appointed guest rooms, in hotel style guest rooms in the Edgewood building or at a Lakeside cabin. Single and double rooms are available for each of our registrants. Enjoy fine dining offered by superb chefs. Hook all day, learning from one of our wonderful teachers in the light filled Edgewood Ballroom!


There will also be some mini classes for participants to choose from, a school store to buy from and a Rug Show so bring your hooked rugs to participate in our show. It always is inspiring to see what is being hooked in the world of rughooking! 


Registration applications will be sent out via email in March 2022. Space at the Country Inn Rug School is limited. Class assignments are made in the order of received paid registrations. To ensure a better chance of being placed in the class of your preferred teacher, return the application and associated fees as soon as possible. Last year the school filled up, and there was a waiting list. 


Registration $200

Room & Board TBD

Deadlines TBD

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